Hi friends! Several months ago I started a journey that was definitely unexpected. An invitation to help organization in NH led to a vision of work that needed to be done in my own community.

After several talks with my friend and pastor, Allan Eakin, At the Well was born even though it wasn’t called that.

At the Well’s seeks to empower women to full restoration from drug and alcohol addiction through faith-based, holistic rehabilitation and training to support ongoing freedom from addiction through Jesus Christ. As the name implies, it’s a reference to the Woman at the Well described in John 4:4-26. The vision is for a 9-12 month residential program near south Saline county that would at least serve Saline, Grant, Garland, and Hot Spring counties, though the need is much greater as you know!

We started in Arkansas June 21, 2019 and still have a way to go.

Our biggest need right now is the filing fee, as friends have already been investing a lot out of their own pockets. Please consider helping us. The filing fee is $275. Anything past that will help reimburse my friends and help with startup costs.

You can visit our Facebook fundraiser and donate until September 13, 2019 here: Marian’s At the Well Family Fundraiser

If you’re interested in knowing more about At the Well and our progress let me know and I’ll add you to the updates! Thank you for your personal support and prayers, friends.
